
Public audiences in Delhi and London are invited to experience a shared living space. Two identical installations measuring 3×4 metres will be draped in blue and green chroma-key fabric to create a mixed-reality live video connection, allowing audiences at the Southbank Centre and India Habitat Centre to coexist in the same 3×4 metre room on a TV screen in front of them. The environment these audiences are located, is defined by Internet users in London, Delhi and around the world.

What does a co-created 3×4 metre London/Delhi living space look like? By uploading an image you can co-locate these audiences in your 3×4 metre Delhi/London room design, whatever you interpret and imagine that to be. You can download other people’s images and use them or specific elements in your own contribution.

Step 1 — Download template

Download the 3×4 template as a guide for your contribution. This contains key information on the dimensions and perspective for your photograph, drawing or video. If you wish to work directly from the contributions of others, please go to Step 3.

You can build your image in four parts. The template is based on the 3x4 metre dimensions of the installation and camera angle from the live video-feed. Illustration of set-up at Southbank Centre, London

Step 2 — Setting up the image

If you are using Photoshop we suggest you use the Marquee Tool to select the image surfaces you want to use and then go to Edit and select Transform — Distort to stretch the section to the dimensions and perspective required to fit the template. Make sure your images are 1920×1080 pixels. We ask that you keep the file size low whilst retaining image quality and save your files as PNG, PSD, GIF, MOV or JPG.


setting up the image

Step 3 — Upload the file

You are now ready to upload your file. Go to Google Drive, sign-in to open or create your account and upload your image to the 3×4 folder. Never delete any images in the shared folder. Always give your uploaded file a unique name.

If you wish to work directly from the contributions of others, go to Google Drive and sign-in to open or create your account. Click on an image to download it from the 3×4 folder, using it either as the base for your own contribution or elements of it in your own image.

Go to Google Drive

Keep in mind when using Google Drive:

— Never delete any images in the shared folder.

— Always give your uploaded file a new unique name.