C21: The Cultures of New India

30 January 2016
Grand Parade, University of Brighton
C21: The Cultures of New India

The twenty-first century has been full of predictions of Indian success. Declarations of ‘India Rising’, ‘India Shining’, a new ‘Indian Century’ occur regularly. While the economies of Europe and the Americas have stagnated, the economies of Asia appear to be booming and a new generation of Indians now see themselves as the agents of globalisation. 3×4 contributes to this conversation as one example of a transnational dialogue that intends to set an aspiration for developing metaspace platforms in megacities of the global south.

3×4 Performance architecture and inclusive future cities

25 January 2016
The Bartlett, UCL

The fourth event in The Bartlett Future Cities Doctoral Network Seminar Series 2015/16 explores how Film and Performance Architecture influence and shape our understanding, vision and perception of one or multiple urban futures and the way we attempt to design them. With Dr Penelope Haralambidou and Ava Fatah gen. Schieck, Dr Claire McAndrew explores the Future City not only within but beyond the limits of the built environment as construction.

Gwangju Design Biennale, South Korea

15 October to 13 November 2015
Exhibit Hall 3 - Sustainable Futures
Gwangju Design Biennale 2015

3×4 is to feature at Gwangju Design Biennale 2015 in South Korea. This year’s biennale examines the theme of conviviality in design. Contributing to the exhibition ‘Sustainable Futures’ curated by Hyo Won Lee, a short video documentary of 3×4’s playful, sensorial exploration of new hybrids of digital space forms part of a portfolio of works featured from the University of Brighton. Focusing on creative R&D for growth, the exhibition is united by an interest in new sustainable paradigms that combine the values of East and West. Fifteen universities and five enterprise institutions from South Korea, China, Japan, Italy and India are contributing to this showcase of creative design experiments.

AHRC Design Symposium

25 September 2015

3×4 presented as a pecha kucha by Prof Paul Sermon and Dr Claire McAndrew at the AHRC Design Symposium exploring future innovation in design.

UnBox Pop-Up

25 June 2015
Institute of Contemporary Arts, London

A pop-up in London celebrating the spirit of multidisciplinary cross-cultural collaborations, showcasing projects incubated as a part of UnBox Fellowships over the last three years.

3×4 at Web We Want Festival 2015

28 to 31 May 2015
10.00am-4.00pm BST / 2.30pm-8.30pm IST
Southbank Centre, London
India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
Southbank Centre

Audiences in Delhi and London experience, perform and play in a shared digital space.

Two identical installations measuring 3 x 4 metres are draped in chroma-key fabric that creates a live mixed-reality video connection. This allows the audiences at Southbank Centre and at an arts venue in Delhi, to coexist and interact with one another in the same room. The installation connects the two cities, live, six hours per day.

3×4 at Alchemy Festival 2015

15 to 25 May 2015
10.00am—4.00pm BST / 2.30pm—8.30pm IST
Southbank Centre, London
India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
Southbankcentre — Festivals

Spanning five time zones the installation will be connected 6 hours a day from: 10.00am to 4.00pm in London and 2.30pm to 8.30pm in Delhi, combining two cities not just spatially but temporally, from the start of one person’s day to the end of another’s. The networked convergence of these two physical 3×4 metre structures and their urban locations will allow these diverse public audiences the opportunity to explore networked spaces as new mixed-reality hybrid environments. It will make it possible to experience, not only the presence of geographically distant participants, but also a sense of coexistence with them.

3×4 at the UnBox Festival 2014

12 to 14 December 2014
10.00am—4.00pm GMT / 3.30pm—9.30pm IST
Festival Village, Southbank Centre London
Khoj Studios, S 17 Khirkee Extension, New Delhi

From 12 to 14 December 2014, visit the Southbank Centre London or Khoj Studios New Delhi to participate in 3×4, an exploration of metaspace platforms for future inclusive cities. 3×4 creates an immersive, telematic environment by merging two identical 3×4 metre room installations at the Southbank Centre, London and Khoj International Artists Association, Delhi to provide a playful, sensorial exploration of new hybrids of digital space.

Co-Creation Workshop during UnBox Festival 2014

10 December 2014
Khōj Studios, S 17 Khirkee Extension, New Delhi

In advance of the live installation for the UnBox Festival, participants were invited to a co-creation workshop on 10 December 2014 at Khōj Studios, New Delhi. The workshop provided an introduction to the conceptual foundations of the project and the opportunity to develop creative content. The workshop was led by Professor Paul Sermon, Dr Claire McAndrew and Swati Janu.